Aug 30, 2006

Aug 23, 2006

Only Deep Throat Could Swallow Tricky Dick

Click on comic to enlarge.

News: You can also find The Pizza Company on Jason's Facebook profile. It's not as good as the blogspot presentation though. So if you are viewing this on the Facebook, go to to see everything in its full glory! If you are viewing this through blogspot, clicking on the link will be pointless. Word.

Aug 16, 2006

Two Puns For The Price of One

Click on comic to enlarge.

The Pizza Company guys and some of our friends have started a Fafarazi League. You can join up here by midnight tonight. If you are logging on from under a rock and don't know about Fafarazzi, it is like fantasy sports, only you have a team of celebs and you earn points each time they appear in the press. It is awesome and pretentious.

In simmilar news, our good buddy Robert has started a pop culture commentary blog called Rabblecopter. Check it out, it's perfecto! Also, our very own Greg will be making guest appearances on that blog, so you know you will have to perform Seppuku if you miss out on this.

Aug 9, 2006

Andy, Did You Hear About This One?

Click on comic to enlarge.

This is a continuation from eariler comics, specifically last week's comic (Love Relish O'er Mayo) and our first comic (Prague Sandwich). Check our archives to get the full scope of The Pizza Company.

Aug 2, 2006

Love Relish O'er Mayo

Click on comic to enlarge.

Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me... that or comment.